Monday, Nov. 08, 1926


International Mercantile Marine.

Financial Partners John Pierpont Morgan and Charles Steele withdrew from the directorate of the International Mercantile Marine Co. last April to avoid embarrassing the sale of its White Star Line. Their London firm, Morgan, Grenfell & Co., was trying to sell the fleet to British shippers. That deal was abandoned. Therefore, last week, Mr. Morgan and Mr. Steele resumed their I. M. M. directorships, and the White Star Line will continue for the immediate present U. S. owned but British operated.

Bon Ami. For 40 years the chick on the brownish wrapper of a cake of Bon Ami (cleanser, polisher) has not scratched. Nor has it cheeped about profits. William Hamlin Childs started his Bon Ami Co. in 1886. He is chairman, and

Eversley Childs is president and director. W. H. Childs' son, Richard S. is treasurer and director. Until last week their 600,000 shares of common stock have been closely held. Then 80,000 Class A common shares were offered for sale at $55 each. Company earnings approximate $1,000,000 yearly.

Ford Implications. Ford Motor Co. placed a materials order at Cleveland last week, which implies the coming production of a new Ford car with larger brake drums and gasoline tank and a changed running board. The modifications require 17,000 tons of steel additional to the company's normal annual tonnage. If Ford bodies were made entirely of steel, the increased tonnage would be 55,000, according to the Daily Metal Trade.

Car-loadings. This is becoming an all-time record year for the movement of fully loaded railroad cars. In the first 42 weeks of the year, 42,832,438 cars were loaded, more than during any previous like period. Twenty-one of these weeks were million-car weeks.