Monday, Sep. 13, 1926
California had its primaries last week. Political wise men said the results would be "significant."
For the Democratic Senatorial nomination, John B. Elliott (McAdoo man) defeated Isidore Dockweiler (backed supposedly by Tammany Hall). Late score: 53,350 to 03,839.
In the Republican primaries, Hiram Johnson lost with one card, triumphed by a scant margin with another. His man, Judge Robert M. Clarke, was repulsed for the Senate nomination by Senator Samuel M. Shortridge (staunch Coolidgeite). Late score: 305,750 to 219,239. For the governorship, C. C. Young (Johnson man) led Governor Friend W. Richardson, 307,683 to 296,523.
Meanwhile, in Arizona, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, all good citizens scurried to the polls last week, cast their primary votes.