Monday, Sep. 06, 1926
After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to:
Pengoes, each worth one hundred garas. (P. 12.)
A discovery nearly as important as Newton's detection of gravity. (P. 20.)
A lavatory attendant as proud as the premier. (P. 31.)
The notoriously blameless life of a Duke. (P. 9.)
A reticule containing a night shirt, a toothbrush, and many square yards of figures. (P. 5.)
A firm if stolid passion. (P. 11.)
Robinson Crusoe's rescuer. (P. 7.)
A most patrician vestal. (P. 14.)
A blunt Dutch nose slimy with seaweed. (P. 11.)
A royal Jap on other Alps. (P. 12.)