Monday, Aug. 09, 1926


The swing of the half year brought many a night-bound bookkeeper to footing vast earnings which were last week made known.

General Motors earned $93,285,674, or $17.33 a share, in six months; could declare a 50% stock dividend and still maintain $7 dividends. William Crapo Durant, deposed G. M. founder, gleaned some $12,000,000 from recent toying with its stock. Its stock passed $200 a share. Thomas Cochran, Morgan partner, was almost incredibly reported to have broken his firm's silence by saying it "should and will" sell 100 points higher.

E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. consolidates the Du Pont family investments in industrial enterprises, including a one-fourth interest in General Motors. Their half year net earnings were $21,-757 313

U. S. Steel declared regular $1.75 quarterly dividend, divided no melon, announced $92,875,390 mid-year earnings.

Coca-Cola, ("Oh, give me a Coc'!") earned $4,695,642 the half year.

Gillette Safety Razor, at Boston, daily makes 2,000,000 razor blades to double-edge keenness, machines 75,000 razors to precise balance. Its net income for six months: $6,093,674. Last week directors declared the regular 75c quarterly dividend, graced it with an extra 25c a share.

Peerless Motor Car earned $900,138, Fierce-Arrow $803,843, Studebaker $8,735,860, and Paige-Detroit $1,238,758 for the half year.

B. F. Goodrich (Silvertown cords) made $7,106,616 the first half of 1925, only $1,358,616 the corresponding period of 1926. The British rubber monopoly raised production costs.

Shubert Theatres Corp. is the holding company for U. S. theatrical, cinema, amusement and real estate wealth of Lee and Jacob J. Shubert. It earned them $2,320,867 last year, twice as much as during the previous year.