Monday, Jul. 26, 1926
Reported Engaged. Bebe Daniels, 25, motion picture star; to Charlie Paddock, world-famed track athlete.
Married. Sylvia Thompson, 24, English author of the "Hounds of Spring " (TIME, March 1) ; to Theodore Dunham Luling, U. S. artist, at Warnham, Sussex. Both were once students at Oxford.
Married. George Earle Chamberlain, 72, onetime Senator (1909-21) from Oregon and Governor (1903-09) of that State; to Mrs. Carolyn B. Shelton, 49, at Norfolk, Va.
Mrs. Shelton was clerk to the Military Affairs Committee of the Senate when the then Senator Chamberlain was conspicuous as its chairman during the War.
Sued for Divorce. Doris Mercer Kresge, 33, would-be opera star, by Sebastian S. ("5c and 10c") Kresge, 59, onetime national chairman of the Prohibition Vigilance Committee ("Snoopers' League"); Last year a suit by Mrs. Kresge was settled out of court for $1,000,000 and "certain other considerations," which Mr. Kresge announced were "on a spiritual basis." He was divorced by his first wife for cruelty, sulkiness.
Died. Miss Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell, "the uncrowned queen of Irak." (See p. 13).
Died. James R. Smith, president of the Atlanta Real Estate Board, director of the bankrupt Bankers' Trust Co. and Farmers & Traders Bank of Atlanta; at Atlanta. Bewildered by the bankruptcies, he pressed the trigger of a loaded shotgun with his toe, drove all the gun with his toe, drove the pellets into his abdomen. (See p. 27.)
Died. Charles Albert Coffin, 81; at his home at Locust Valley, L. I., of pneumonia. (See p. 26.)
Died. Mrs. Charles W. Morse, divorced wife of Pullman Conductor Charles F. Dodge, for 25 years the extraordinarily loyal wife of Charles W. Morse, 70, paralyzed financier, pardoned felon.
In 1908 Morse was sentenced to serve 15 years in the Federal Penitentiary at Atlanta for false entries in the books of the National Bank of America. Mrs. Morse sold her furs, her jewels, her Fifth Ave. home to fight for his release. President Taft pardoned Morse on the grounds that surgeons reported him dying.
Last week Mr. Morse lost his attempt to avoid standing trial for using the mails to defraud. Said special Assistant Attorney General Dobyns: ". . . Judge Taft said he agreed to free Morse [from the Atlanta Penitentiary years ago] and Morse agreed to die in six months,