Monday, Jul. 12, 1926


Best Plays

These are the plays which, in the light of metropolitan criticism, seem most important. SERIOUS THE GREAT GOD BROWN--Confused but compelling history of a man who bought another's personality for gold. LULU BELLE--Heady adventures among the Negro night clubs in Manhattan. Principally Lenore Ulric. CRAIG'S WIFE--A carefully cut image of a woman whose home meant more to her than her husband. LESS SERIOUS THE LAST OF MRS. CHEYNEY-- Ina Claire nearing the end of her run in the witty tale of thievery among the British peerage. AT MRS. BEAM'S--The horrible case of Mr. Bluebeard in a careful English boarding house. WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS-- Helen Hayes happily occupied with the old Maude Adams part in Barrie's graceful comedy. CRADLE SNATCHERS -- In which three matrons make off with three undergraduates for no good reason. MUSICAL Trivialities are well attended to in Sunny, Scandals, The Vagabond King, No Foolin', Iolanthe, The Merry World, The Cocoanuts.