Monday, Jul. 05, 1926
Haggard, shopworn, peevish-- 14,000 workers walked out into the dirty snow of Jan. 26, 1926. They would teach insolent mill owners not to cut wages.
Twenty-four long hours, one long day; seven long days, one long week. The 23rd week of the strike in Passaic, N. J., opened with Albert Weisbord, of the Harvard Law School, bespectacled, frail dynamo of the textile workers, making preparations for an all summer battle: "We shall hold on like bulldogs, no matter what punishment they inflict upon us," he said.
His lieutenant, Jack Rubenstein, celebrated by getting out of the Garfield (N. J.) jail with a battered face, swollen right eye, bruised back and broken leg. "He didn't get them here," said Chief of Police Forss. It was Rubenstein's tenth arrest as a result of his strike activities.
Within the last fortnight, the air around Garfield has been surcharged with the noise of bombs. The homes of the strike breakers are the chief objects of attack, although Weisbord denies any connection of his men with this business. Mayor Burke of Garfield intends to take drastic steps: "No self-respecting city can permit any continuance of the violence which has been perpetrated on some of our citizens."
In the meantime, ingenious statisticians have figured that the strike has cost the workers a loss in wages of $5,000,000 and the mill owners a loss of $12,000,000.