Monday, Jun. 28, 1926

Of Legend

Sunningdale, where the qualifying rounds of the British open championship were played last week, is accounted the hardest inland course in England. There Robert T. Jones went out to qualify last week followed by a number of gentlemen in top hats with racing badges in their lapels, for the King was expected at Ascot that day and these gentlemen wanted, if possible, to be in two places at once. Those of soundest judgment deserted all thought of horse-racing, stayed to watch Jones play two rounds in 134--a stunning 66, a steady 68--36 holes with but one 5 and one 2--golf of legend.

Qualifying play was also held at St. Anne's. Qualifiers led by Jones:

George Gadd (British) 71 70--141

Archie Compston (British) 68 73--142

C. A. Whitcombe (British) 70 73--143

W. H. Taylor (British) 73 71--144

Pedro Jurado (Argentine) 73 73--146

Joe Kirkwood (U. S.) 71 74--145

Cyril Tolley (British) 148

Jim Barnes (U. S.) 75 73--148

Watts Gunn (U. S.) 72 76--148

William Melhorn (U. S) ....--150

Harry Vardon (British) ....--151

Roland MacKenzie (U. S.) 79 76--155