Monday, Jun. 28, 1926

News Value

Never is the news value of Henry Ford more unusual, legitimate or welcome than when he cuts prices. He got publicity last week. Prices:


Runabouts $360 $400

Touring 380 420

Coupe 485 525

Tudor Sedan 495 545

Fordor Sedan 545 590

Commercial Chassis 300 335

Truck with starter 375 430

Truck without starter 325 365

This scale puts the Ford, beyond all immediate competition, as the lowest priced car in the U. S. But, although Henry Ford always has one eye cocked a-wind for competitive drifts, he always goes his own way, explains nothing. The current this time is not of necessity pushed by Chevrolet with its daily production of 3,000 cars, nor by the new Overland Whippet, nor yet by the threat of small foreign models. The demand for Fords has abated, although not so much as some journalistic conjecture would have it.

* These old prices have been adjusted to account for equipment (balloon tires, starter, etc.) charged as extras under the old schedule, now covered by the new prices.