Monday, May. 31, 1926
The White House Week
P: An executive order signed May 8, but not made public until last week, made a noteworthy stir in Washington:
"In order that they may more efficiently function in the enforcement of the national prohibition act, any state, county, or municipal officer may be appointed, at a nominal rate of compensation, as prohibition officer of the Treasury Department to enforce the provisions of the national prohibition act and acts supplemental thereto in states and territories, except in those states having constitutional or statutory provision against state officers holding office under the Federal Government."
The effect of the order will be to enable local constables and sheriffs, serving as dollar-a-year men under the U. S. Treasury Department, not only to leave their towns but to go across state lines to make arrests of bootleggers.
P: Representative Crumpacker, Oregon Congressman, called at the White House to protest to the President against the sale of the Admiral Line by the Shipping Board to the Dollar shipping interests. Senator Copeland, New York's Democratic Senator, called on the President to explain his bill for preventing strikes in the anthracite industry. A committee of the National Training Camps Association called to discuss the costs of summer military training. Speaker Longworth called to tell the President that he hoped Congress could adjourn by the middle of June.
P: Mrs. Coolidge received 14 Italian women and from their hands a hand-spun, hand-woven woolen dress made by the Mothers' Club of an industrial school in Boston. Twelve Hungarian ladies from Cleveland presented her with a hand-made lace centrepiece.
P: The President let it be known that he would not fill the vacant place on the Shipping Board until it was evident that Congress would not place the Government shipping business under a responsible executive head instead of leaving it under an independent board.
P: Mrs. Coolidge journeyed to the suburban home of the Postmaster General to attend a luncheon of the Senate Ladies' Club. Luncheon was served on small tables in the garden with Mrs. New, Mrs. Kellogg, Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Wadsworth, Mrs. Caraway, Mrs. Bayard, Mrs. Bingham as hostesses. P: An enterprising Vermont manufacturer endeavored to gain publicity for his firm by sending two complete sets of golf clubs to the White House, one for the President, the other for Mrs. Coolidge. It is well known that the President does not play nor does Mrs. Coolidge.
P: Senator Borah, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, called at the White House and agreed with the President to bring up the Lausanne Treaty with Turkey for ratification. It is certain to provoke a bitter debate because it abolishes extraterritorial rights for citizens of the U. S. in Turkey. The treaty has been pending in the Senate for over a year.