Monday, Apr. 19, 1926


Gasoline Tax. Last year four states (Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York) assessed no taxes on gasoline. The 44 other states collected $146,028,940 (83% more than in 1924, 450% more than in 1923), averaging 2.26-c- a gallon, $9.22 a car, according to a Department of Agriculture report last week.

Ford's Year. By the Ford Motor Co.'s report for 1925, published last week, assets were $742,913,568; surplus, $622,366,893; motorized units produced, 2,103,578 cars. Henry Ford, Mrs. Ford and son Edsel B. own practically all the 172,645 shares. Estimates of their profits range from $547 to $666 a share, $45 to $55 a car.

Gillette v. Rothschilds.

A few weeks ago in Germany King C. Gillette (U. S. safety razors and blades) paid double price for stock of two German blade-makers whose sales have cut enormously into his foreign markets. He thought he had control. Last week up spoke the Rothschilds, bankers. They had financed these manufacturers and still own 53% of the stock. The next stockholders' meeting will decide the conflict.