Monday, Apr. 19, 1926

Egypt's Refusal

From the tomb of Tut-ank-Amen and countless other mines of Egyptian treasure there come almost daily, priceless additions to the collections of the pitifullv inadequate and overcrowded museum at Cairo. For three months the Egyptian Cabinet has been trying to decide whether to accept $10,000,000 from John D. Rockefeller Jr. wherewith to build and endow forever a museum adequate beyond all dreams, a beautiful and safe repository, equipped to preserve these treasures by every means known to science (TIME, March 1, et ante).

Last week the Egyptian Cabinet refused this offer. Mr. Rockefeller, patient, let it stand. He had accepted a form for his deed of gift drawn up by the Egyptian Cabinet itself; yet when it was returned to Egypt with his signature attached, Egyptian political stumbling-blocks barred its acceptance. Mr. Rockefeller waits. . . .