Monday, Apr. 19, 1926
The White House Week
The President laid the cornerstone of the $10,000,000 home of the National Press Club, Washington. His speech dealt mostly with the press as a "cornerstone of liberty," but contained also a recapitulation of recent foreign policy as follows:
"It is useless to love liberty unless we establish laws. It is futile to cherish justice unless we provide courts.
"Our country has lately recognized this important principle by signifying its determination to promote international justice by adhering to the World Court.
"This has been done under reservations which adequately safeguard American rights and also tend to strengthen the independence of the Court. . . .
"While we have clearly declared our wish to assist in promoting justice among nations, we have just as clearly declared our intention to refrain from interfering in the political affairs of others by refusing to adhere to the League of Nations.
"It will be of great benefit, if the people can be informed that we take part in administering international justice because it affects us. We do not become involved in the political controversies of other countries, because they are none of our affair. . . .
"To create a better understanding in this direction we are almost entirely dependent on our editors and publishers. The good that they can do in promoting better understanding by supporting faith and good-will and peace cannot be estimated.
"International friendship and good will are of very large money value."
Earlier the same day the President addressed the first Pan American Congress of Journalists. He expressed the hope it would not be the last.
In the Northampton home of Mrs. Limyra Goodhue a radio set was installed, the gift of her daughter, Grace Coolidge.
To the President, Alien Property Custodian Howard Sutherland, reported that $578,735,624.75 worth of alien property had been seized by the U.S. during the War, of which all but $274,630,904.38 has been returned. He said that his office charged a fee of 1% of the income for administration.
Not unaware of unrest in the granges, but loath to ask any large measure of farm legislation from Congress, the President let it be known that he expects Agronomist* Jardine, Secretary of Agriculture, to evolve a plan to dispose of surplus farm crops.
The President asked of Congress $5,250,000 for refunding taxes on cigars and automobiles which dealers paid before the tax reductions.
* William M. Jardine was first noted as agronomist in 1910 at the Kansas State Agricultural College, of which he later became President (in 1918).