Monday, Apr. 05, 1926

There follow 25 questions based

on news of the past week. Read

TIME from cover to cover. Then quiz yourself.

1) What great statesman wishes his death concealed for a fortnight? (See FOREIGN AFFAIRS.)

2) What seemed "a cross between an Astley chariot, a wheelbarrow and a flying machine"? (See BUSINESS.)

3) Who married a consumptive angel of 13? (See BOOKS.)

4) In what Oriental nation is the Premier an amateur champion of the indigenous national sport? (See FOREIGN AFFAIRS.)

5) Upon whom did a U. S. Senator publicly bestow the nicknames "Gloomy Gus" and "Nervous Nellie?" (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

6) What socially valuable function is performed by the hobo? (See EDUCATION.)

7) What proportion of U. S. population attends night school? (See EDUCATION.)

8) Where is Mr. Andrew Mellon? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

9) What State officially recommended a national prohibition referendum? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

10) In what country is drinking urged as patriotic? (See FOREIGN AFFAIRS.)

11) How many eggs did one Ansell of Harvard devour at one sitting? (See MISCELLANY.)

12) How many countries are served by the Y. M. C. A.? (See RELIGION.)

13) Name the accredited sire of the German navy. (See FOREIGN AFFAIRS.)

14) Senator Smoot would have founded a woolen industry in Utah. What prevented? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

15) Give three arguments for the "St. Lawrence route"; three for the "New York route." (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

16) Far below the surface went the submarine V-2-How far? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

17) Who, what, is Steve Donoghue? (See SPORT.)

18) What senatorial candidate was once idolized by convicts? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

19) Who wanted to erect a Woodrow Wilson monument in Washington and could not? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

20) Whom may Interstate Commerce Commissioner Woodlock thank for his seat? (See NATIONAL AFFAIRS.)

21) What speed Cephenemyia? (See AERONAUTICS.)

22) Why was it silly to say that an archbishop said mass after breakfast? (See THE PRESS.)

23) Mary Lewis went home. Where? (See Music.)

24) What kind of light stimulates plants? (See SCIENCE.)

25) Where, last week, did Whites overthrow Reds? (See FOREIGN AFFAIRS.)