Monday, Mar. 22, 1926

Divertissement a la Zizi

The cables continued to reek with "copy" concerning Mme. Zizi Lambrino, the former morganatic wife of the abdicated Crown Prince Carol of Roumania, who is suing him for 10 million francs at Paris (TIME, March 15) on the ground that she is still his wife, although he is officially the husband of Princess Helen of Greece and resides at the Hotel Chambord, Paris, with Magda Lupescu, Jewess.

Of all the news bureaus which made holiday with this super-scandal, the Chicago Tribune Press Service displayed perhaps the greatest versatility. It allowed an interval of only three days to separate the following:

Dismal. "Mme. Zizi Lambrino has a heavy heart. . . .

"Alone in her dismal hotel room, with her small sona neurotic little Hohenzollern, evidencing astounding willfulness for his age-she ... is going on with the suit.

"The red-headed Jewess is her obsession. Mme. Zizi wants to know just what she is like, just what she wears, and just what she and the prince can do with themselves during the long years together in the Hotel Chambord, not far off.

" 'She is common-she must be common,' said Mme. Zizi. 'Her father is a man who runs from house to house, locating vacant apartments. How Carol came to meet such people I do not know, except that his entourage was shamefully bad. His aides-de-camp never looked after him properly.' "

Gay. "Zizi Lambrino has turned the tables on the prince. Instead of staying home and playing the role of abandoned wife, Zizi is frequenting Montmartre cabarets with swanky Roumanian friends, while Carol stays by his fireside in the Hotel Chambord sorting his collection of postage stamps."