Monday, Feb. 15, 1926
Honest Davey
Martin L. Davey, tree expert and Congressman from Ohio, made answer to the Ohio Federation of Labor, which had sent him resolutions advocating better pensions, more half-holidays, overtime pay, etc., for Federal employes. He said:
"Outside of letter carriers and clerks and those directly concerned with the handling of the mails, the civilian employes of the United States Government include the largest number of loafers, time-killers and buck-passers that I have ever seen brought together under one banner.
"I do not know how much personal knowledge you may have concerning the work, or alleged work, or working conditions of civilian employes of the Federal government, but here are some facts: They report for duty at 9 in the morning and leave at 4:30, with a half-hour for lunch, although most of them take considerably more. This represents a maximum of seven hours a day. In addition to these short working hours, they have Saturday afternoons off during the summer and all other times when there is an excuse to close the Departments. In addition to this, they have 30 days' vacation and 30 days' sick leave, not counting Sundays or holidays. So that the average civilian employe puts in less than ten months a year."
Said critics: "Davey is brave. When he runs for re-election few, if any, United States Government employes will vote for him."