Monday, Jan. 11, 1926

Shenandoah Report

In 48 findings of fact and 36 statements of opinion, the Naval Court of Inquiry headed by Rear Admiral Hilary P. Jones last week summarized its investigation of the loss of the dirigible Shenandoah. Excerpts:

General: "The Shenandoah represented the best practices in design and construction at the period of its building.

"The proportionately greater weight for structure and fittings of the Shenandoah resulted in increased strength.

"The damage to the Shenandoah due to breaking away from the Lakehurst mooring mast was fully repaired and no loss of strength ensued as a result thereof.

"The officers and crew of the Shenandoah were skilled and competent operators of rigid airships.

"The operation of rigid airships over land, as well as over the sea, is a proper and powerful function of the Navy."

Objection to the Flight: "The commanding officer of the Shenandoah was fully consulted and given every opportunity to state his views in regard to the midwest flight.

"The commanding officer of the Shenandoah did not at any time express opposition to or any reluctance in undertaking the flight beginning Sept. 2 on the ground of possible adverse weather conditions."

Object of the Flight: "The object of the midwest flight was threefold, viz.: to test the mooring mast at Detroit, to continue training of personnel and to comply with many requests received from citizens of that section of the country that such a flight be made.

"While recognizing the propriety and necessity of the legally constituted authorities in the naval service being the sole judges of the sufficiency of the reasons actuating all orders to naval craft, and further recognizing that the practice of ordering movements of naval vessels for the purpose of complying with public requests is in accord with long-established custom, it is considered that such movements should be limited to essentially naval and military operations in so far as possible, especially in the case of new and experimental types."

Use of Parachutes: "The Court concurs in the opinions of all qualified experts in the operation of rigid airships who appeared before it, that the wearing of the present type of parachutes would add to the general risks and hazards of handling such ships due to their interference, especially in emergencies, with the quick and efficient performance of duty by the personnel. The Court is, therefore, of the opinion that the judgment of the commanding officer in regard to carrying parachutes was sound."

Cause of Destruction: "The final destruction of the ship was due primarily to large, unbalanced, external, aerodynamic forces arising from high velocity air currents. Whether the ship, if entirely intact and undamaged, would have broken under the forces existing, or whether prior minor damage due to gas pressure was a determining factor in the final breakup, are matters which this Court is unable definitely to determine.

"The change resulting in a reduction of the number of gas valves was inadvisable. The initiation and urging of this change by the commanding officer of the Shenandoah, the recommendation for its approval by the commanding officer of the Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, and its final approval as an experimental installation by direction of the Chief of Bureau of Aeronautics appear, in the light of subsequent events, to have been errors of judgment, but were arrived at after full and careful consideration by the most expert officers of the Navy in the operation and design of rigid airships, and do not in any way involve negligence or culpability." Responsibility for the Accident: "It may be accepted in the case of the loss of any craft at a certain place at a certain time that any change of action on the part of any individual directly or indirectly connected with the movement of such craft might have avoided such loss. In this sense, and in this sense only, can allegations of direct or indirect individual responsibility for the loss of the Shenandoah and the loss of life consequent thereon be supported."

The one recommendation made by the Court: "That no further proceedings be had in the matter."

The report has yet to be approved by Secretary of the Navy Wilbur before it becomes final. Some ardent supporters of Colonel Mitchell called it a "whitewashing." Mrs. Lansdowne, widow of the commander of the Shenandoah, read the findings of the Court and then is alleged to have told a reporter:

"They have cleared my husband, and they have lifted all shadow of blame from everyone else connected with the flight. I am glad.

"After all, it was only to insure such an exoneration of my husband's memory that I ever spoke.

"The Court has done this, and my bitterness and any blame I may have expressed in the past are mitigated. Zach's record is cleared. That is all I sought in the controversy which arose. As far as I am concerned the book is closed, and the last line of it is a vindication of my husband. I can rest now.

"I do feel justified, however, in having spoken."