Monday, Dec. 21, 1925

Permanent War

For two days last week the Chamber debated the famed Fascist Labor Bill (TIME, Nov. 30), which provides that in every art, craft, trade or profession, two Fascist syndicates shall be established, one representing capital, the other representing labor. Further it is provided that only these accredited syndicates shall have authority to settle labor disputes, and that all such disputes shall be compulsorily arbitrated by them.

Beneath the frown of Dictator-Premier Benito Mussolini one Fascist after another arose to find only words of praise upon his tongue: "A great step forward . . . Fascist unity of Labor, Capital and the State ... a death blow to the Marxian theory of class struggle."

At length a timid Communist piped: "I think this measure would be justified only if Italy were at war." From the tribune Il Benito looked down, far down: "I consider the Italian nation in a permanent state of war! ... I consider the next five or ten years decisive for the future of our nation, because international competition is growing ever keener. . . . Even as controversies are not permitted at the front in wartime, so now we must realize the maximum national efficiency....

"When you cast your votes, remember that this law is the product of the Fascist regime. . . . Our regime cannot be beaten. In this certainty lies our faith in the law."

Shortly afterward the measure passed amid the usual Fascist acclaim.