Monday, Nov. 16, 1925
Humble Ferdinand
Last week that hardy statesman, that skilful graphic artist in words, the abdicated Tsar Ferdinand of Bulgaria, sought and gained pardon from the Vicar of Christ for an offense which has estranged the Vatican from Sofia these many years. Humbly presenting himself "as a pilgrim," Ferdinand bent his powerful big-boned frame and kissed the regally extended Papal toe. Pardoned, he wove what spells he might in the Papal ear during the half hour of audience allotted him. Then, with his handsome features wreathed in the smile of one handsomely forgiven, he quitted the Vatican, was smartly saluted by the Papal Guard.
Queried the short of memory, "What did Tsar Ferdinand do to rouse the ire of Rome?" Replied cynical historians, "He converted his son, the present Tsar Boris, from Catholicism to the Orthodox (Bulgarian) faith. The offense was aggravated by the fact that the Bulgarian constitution had been altered, in order that Ferdinand's Catholic wife (the sometime Princess Marie Louise of Bourbon-Parma) might bring up Prince Boris as a Catholic. It was deemed flagrant by the Pope because Boris was converted in 1896 when he was less than two years old."
The conversion was most opportune. It materially aided Ferdinand in securing his recognition by Russia, Turkey and the Powers as "Prince of Bulgaria." Up to that time, although Ferdinand was a nephew of Albert, Prince Consort of Victoria, and a grandson of King Louis Philippe, and had been called to the Bulgarian throne by the Grand Sobranye of Bulgaria on the abdication of Prince Alexander in 1886, he was freely styled "usurper" by his enemies.
Having once conciliated the Powers, "Prince Ferdinand" speedily pushed his advantage and became "Tsar Ferdinand" when Bulgaria emerged as a completely autonomous kingdom out of the Bos-nia-Herzegovina squabbles in 1908. The Powers recognized this title in 1909, and Ferdinand built up his country, which he styled "Mon Oeuvre," by tireless devotion to public works and by obtaining the annexation to Bulgaria of a part of Thrace in 1913. On Oct. 3, 1918, Tsar Ferdinand was forced by the victorious Allies to abdicate in favor of the present Tsar Boris. He has led a superficially retired existence since then, but rumor pictures him as ever busy with secret intrigue in the interests of the dynasty which he founded.