Monday, Sep. 07, 1925
In Bolivia
As in the U.S., 1920 saw a change of Administration in Bolivia. But in Bolivia the change was brought about by a revolution. A military junta seized control of the Government. A convention was called to elect a President. The Republican party headed by the junta expelled its opponents from the convention and chose its own leader Juan Bautista Saavedra President -- really dictator. He promptly exiled his opponents from the country. Early last spring he decided it was safe to risk an election. In order to make the election as safe as possible the Republican party nominated for President Dr. Jose Gabino Villanueva, one of the foremost surgeons of South America, former chief surgeon of the Bolivian Army. Senor Villanueva was a member of the Liberal (opposition) party who it was believed would be amenable to Saavedra's "leadership." For Vice President Abdon Saavedra, the President's brother was chosen. The fusion ticket carried the country in an election in May.
Last week preparations were made to inaugurate Senor Villanueva and "Brother" Saavedra. The retiring President mobilized the army at La Paz, seat of government, for the inauguration ceremonies. At the last minute a hitch occurred. The Saavedras had expected Villanueva to appoint a Republican Cabinet; instead he announced his intention of appointing a fusion or coalition Cabinet. Thereupon President Saavedra decided the election in May had been fraudulent, and that Senor Villanueva was disqualified from holding office. A resolution was introduced into the Legislature to that effect. President Saavedra ordered the inauguration postponed and waited the decision of the Legislature (of which he is not complete master) with equanimity, the army being on the scene.
If, as expected, the Legislature declares the May election void, Senator Guzman, President of the Senate, a member of the Saavedra faction, will be President of the country until a new election can be held.