Monday, Jul. 13, 1925
Dominion Day
Upon the 58th anniversary of the union of the Canadian Provinces into the Dominion of Canada, bands played, flags wagged, fireworks spluttered and banged. Dominion Day (July 1), the Canadian Independence Day, also found its echo in London, whence the Hon. P. C. Larkin, Canadian High Commissioner, addressed his people thus:
"We have some problems to solve just as we have always had, but with one's eyes on Europe one cannot help feeling that they are infinitesimal compared with those of other nations and that there is no country in the world that has greater reason for thankfulness than Canada. Speaking as one who, for some little time past, has been trying to give some public service to his native land in this centre of the Empire, I venture the opinion that we have been fortunate in establishing a notable landmark this year by opening up in Trafalgar Square a Canada Building in London where all the various activities of Canadian concern are at last usefully and conveniently assembled under one roof.