Monday, Jun. 29, 1925

Bachelors of Hostelry

From a bulletin distributed to the press, last week: "The hotel industry of America came into its own, educationally . . . when eight students in the Cornell hotel course received their degrees. . . . The gorgeous spectacle, new to the hotel profession, filled with pride the hearts of hotel representatives present as they saw the dreams of years come to realization. . . ."

After taking courses such as Food Chemistry, Food Selection, Hotel Psy- chology, Employment Problems for four years in Cornell University's College of Home Economics, the eight had to answer stiff examination questions:

Discuss the place of entrees in 1) a formal meal; 2) an informal meal.

Outline a complete selling and advertising compaign for a resort house.

You are doing the pastry work and report for duty at 7 a. m. Lunch is served at 12. What would be your method of procedure for the following work: cornbread, blueberry cobbler with whipped cream, fruit gelatine, nut cake, loganberry pie?

What size cans are most used for the following foods in hotels, and why? Corn, peaches, pimento, spinach, tuna fish.