Monday, May. 18, 1925
Mr. Coolidge's Week
Mr. Coolidge's Week
P: In the New Auditorium, Washington, five boys and two girls gave decisive orations on the U. S. Constitution--the finals of a Nation-wide prize contest sponsored by leading newspapers. John Hays Hammond presided, ranks of eminent men flanked the rostrum. Before the speeches began, the President mounted the platform, delivered an address on the gratifying support which the people had given the Constitution at the last election, departed.
The judges of the contest, who listened carefully to the words that proceeded ex ore infantium, were the Chief Justice, Associate Justices Van Devanter, Butler, Sanford, the Attorney General. Their awards:
First, $2,000--Robert Sessions of Birmingham, Ala; aged 15.
Second, $1,000--Eugene F. McElmeel of Los Angeles; 16.
Third, $500--Max H. Kroloff of Sioux City, Iowa; 17.
Fourth, $450--Miss Flora Longenecker of Ilion, N.Y.; 16.
Fifth, $400--Miss Asenath Graves of Washington, D.C.; 16.
Sixth, $350--George Stansell of Chicago; 17.
Seventh, $300--Philip Glatfelter of York, Pa.; 17.
Master Sessions' exordium:
"We should educate the masses in the duties of good citizenship, in a better understanding and appreciation of the spirit of the American Government, in the broader meanings of patriotism and a stronger devotion to the flag and the glorious things for which it stands."
P: William J. Bryan, in a gray military cape, called at the White House just before luncheon. The President insisted he stay for the meal.
P: Credentials as Minister from the Republic of Austria were presented by Edgar L. G. Prochnik, who said:
"May I in the name of my countrymen pray you, Mr. President, your Government and the great people whose Chief Executive you are, to believe and confide in our goodwill and in the sincerity of our intentions to strictly live up to our assumed obligations and to merit the highly valued friendship of the citizens of this great Union?"
Said Mr. Coolidge: "I shall be happy to do all in my power. . . ."
P: The President wrote to Sophie Irene Loeb, organizer of the Child Welfare Conference (see EDUCATION) : "I send my best wishes for the success of your efforts."
P: Aboard the Mayflower for the weekend: The President and Mrs. Coolidge, Postmaster General and Mrs. New, the Attorney General, several friends of the Coolidges.
P: The President announced he would like to see more study of aviation at West Point. The Secretary of the Navy had previously ordered additional aviation study at Annapolis (see AERONAUTICS).