Monday, Apr. 27, 1925
MISCELLANY "TIME brings all things"
In Paris, an artist, one Rene Berger, was attacked by an assassin, mortally slashed. As he lay dying, Artist Berger pulled a pencil from his pocket, drew on the blood-stained floor a front view and a full-length silhouette of his slayer. The police identified the pictures as those of a murderer.
In San Francisco, arrived from Shanghai a steamship with 3,000 cases of Chinese chicks consigned to the Hemingway Produce Co., which forthwith sued the Pacific Mail Steamship Line, operator of the ship. The chicks, stored too near the engine-room, alleged the Hemingway Co., had been shipped from Shanghai as eggs.
Third Rail
In Manhattan, one Clarence Peterson, six-foot-six blackamoor, carried a long ladder across a railroad yard, tripped over a third rail whose voltage was three times enough to kill a man, fell down, picked up his ladder, stalked on, struck the rail again, fell into a mild swoon. Incredible vitality, said the ambulance surgeon, had saved his life.