Monday, Dec. 29, 1924

Radio Feat

In Brazil, 1,200 miles up the Amazon, on the Rio Brancho in Manaos in the miasmic jungle, among promiscuous orchids, mid garlands of boa constrictors; in Brazil, where monkeys dangle with prehensile tails, where saurians slither in primeval slime and pigmies dwell naked; in Brazil, home of crossword armadillos, where winter is summer and summer is the rainy season which swells the River of Doubt--there dwells Dr. Alexander Hamilton Rice, surgeon and explorer, with his companions and a 100-watt short-wave radio set. He studies tropic fevers and other pernicious diseases.

In the Bronx, outskirt of New York City, sat a youth, one Ellison Thompson, with a homemade radio set. For five nights in succession, he received messages from Dr. Alexander Hamilton Rice in Brazil, 1,200 miles up the Amazon, on the Rio Brancho in Manaos, in the miasmic jungle. He also sent answers and received acknowledgements.

Radio fans proclaimed the day when all far-off explorers may be "in the heart of the jungle and the heart of the world."