Monday, Oct. 20, 1924

Amazed Audience

George Meader, tenor, arrived in Manhattan after singing with Mme. Ganna Walska (Mrs. Harold McCormick) at the Mozart Festival she financed in Paris.

"It was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened," said he. "I was paid to sing and sang. Mme. Walska also sang."

"But can Mme. Walska sing?" "She is a beautiful and gracious woman."

"But can she sing?"

"Some day," he said, "if she has the proper trainers, she should have a nice, small voice."

"And how was she received at the Theatre des Champs-Eilysees? Was there any truth in the report that the audience threw things?"

"No. Nothing was thrown. The audience tittered and chuckled. It seemed amazed."