Monday, Sep. 22, 1924
The White House Week
The White House Week
P:The President reviewed a parade of 30,000 soldiers and civilians celebrating Defense Day.
A special announcement was issued from the White House:
General John J. Pershing, General of the Armies, having this day reached the age ot 64 years, is retired from active service in conformity with a requirement of an act ot Congress approved June 30, 1882. . . .
General Pershing has already received from the Congress the thanks of that body and of the American people, and now I extend to him anew the thanks of the nation for his eminent services, and feel certain that I voice the sentiment of the entire citizenry of the Republic in wishing him long life, happiness and prosperity in the retirement he has so richly earned.
P:Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge attended the first inning of a baseball game between local police and firemen, then went aboard the Mayflower to spend the week-end with political counselors and the report of the Tariff Commission on sugar.
P:Young John Coolidge left the White House, took train and sped away, to matriculate at Amherst, his father's alma mater.
P:Mr. Coolidge with several members of his Cabinet waited several hours in the rain, wearing rubbers and a slicker, to welcome the Magellans of the air, the peri-globular fliers, returning to the Capital of their nation. P:Malcolm MacDonald, son of Ramsay, British Premier, was the guest of Secretary Hughes, who presented the young man at the White House.