Monday, Sep. 15, 1924

After a cursory view of TIME'S summary of events, the Generous Citizen points with pride to :

A millionaire who died in a hot race. (P. 30.)

Dreaming children and proud old ladies. (P. 17.)

The product of hours and hours of patient toil. (P. 13.)

The fellow who press-agented Betsy Ross's Grand Old Rag. (P. 22.)

Authoritative information on maternity and infant hygiene. (P. 4.)

An industry that goes on un-checked--in spite of tears, tribulations. (P. 13.)

"Nice young people--as nice as you'll find anywhere these days." (P. 32.)

A boy who used to roam the streets of his native Bloomfield, N. J., reading a book. (P. 7.)

An eye for union suits. (P. 5.)

Another American woman of whom we may well be proud. (P. 14.)

A surprising increase in the number of twins occurring in Naples. (P. 25.)

"A very beautiful woman and she knows it." (P. 2.)

A swaggering Rubens in rolled stockings. (P. 17.)

Providence. It spared two famed men. (P. 9.)

A snappy slap from Miss Bondfield. (P. 8.)

Mistressful national title play. (P. 28.)

A stockholders' meeting of the U. S. A. (P. 5.)