Monday, Sep. 15, 1924


Catholics united on Defense Day. American prelates designated religious observances, wrote pastoral letters. Perhaps the most eloquent was that of the former Catholic Chaplain-General:

"Reverend and Dear Father--In willing compliance with the official proclamations of the President of the U. S. and the Governor of the State of New York, fixing Friday, Sept. 12, as Defense Test Day, I herewith direct that special services be held in all the churches of this diocese on that day for the safety of the Republic, in the abiding benediction of peace, contentment and prosperity.

"Lest we become a nation without counsel and without wisdom' (Deut. xxxii., 28), there is need of a wise preparedness and unremitting watchfulness, not only of our defensive lines against foes without, but also of our moral and spiritual strength, the strong est possible and the most essential safeguard of our national, social, family and individual life. More terrible and irresistible than a conquering army in battle array is the moral and spiritual power of a God-fearing and God-loving people.

" 'Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we will call upon the name of the Lord our God.' (Ps. xx.) The Lord of Hosts will come, as speaks the Prophet Habakkuk (iii., 8), with His horses and His chariots, to save Israel and take up his bow for the defense of His people. Unless the Lord be our protection, then the most redoubtable military defense built by man will be in vain.

"Holy Writ presents us with the picture of David and Goliath, teaching the relative value of might against right, of physical prowess against spiritual courage. Humanly speaking, it was folly for David to challenge Goliath. But, with God's blessing, the staff, the scrip, the stone and sling of the shepherd boy, symbolic of spiritual power, prevailed signally over the sword, the spear and the shield of the giant warrior, typical of brute force.

"It behooves us all to pray that our Heavenly Father may continue to bless our beloved America, and lead our people in the way of the Prince of Peace; that, loving justice and hating iniquity, our glorious Republic may be endowed with spiritual power from on high, which will give an invincible strength in defense to our Army and Navy, so worthy of the admiration and confidence of the nation.

"Faithfully yours in Christ,

(signed) "PATRICK CARDINAL HAYES, "Archbishop of New York."

Protestants divided. Some held services, made speeches, paraded. Others, crying "Prussianism," remained aloof.

Meanwhile, the Federal Council of Churches sent out elaborate instruc tions for a Mobilization for Peace. The Peace movement within Protest ant churches was begun by the so-called liberals. It has swept the country.