Monday, Sep. 01, 1924
Mrs. Carnegie's Land
On Fifth Ave. at 90th Street, Manhattan, Mrs. Andrew Carnegie has a home surrounded by a garden. Across 90th Street is land (public tennis courts) owned by her, which realtors have long sought in vain to purchase.
Last week, public announcement was made that the Church of the Heavenly Rest (P. E.) intended to dispose of its present building in the shopping district and would erect a magnificent edifice on land which Mrs. Carnegie was willing to sell. The church's rector is Henry Darlington, son of the Bishop of Harrisburg. He was at Newport and could not be reached to confirm the reported change.
In any case it is necessary that Bishop William T. Manning, Cathedral-builder, give his consent. And at this point the situation becomes complicated by that admixture of spiritual and material interests to which the name of "churchmanship" is commonly given.