Monday, Aug. 25, 1924

Sudan Shocks


(British Commonwealth of Nations)

In Egypt. Declaring that Khedive Abbas Hilmy Pasha, dethroned ruler of Egypt, was seeking to foment trouble in the country, the Egyptian Government massed-troops at various Egyptian ports. Widespread uneasiness ensued.

In the Sudan. About the same time, cadets at Khartum declined to give up their rifles on returning to barracks. British troops were forced to surround and arrest them.

At Atbara, an Egyptian railway battalion mutinied, attacked British troops with bricks and other implements. The British fired upon their assailants, causing 19 casualties. The mutiny was allegedly accompanied by pro-Egyptian demonstrations.

At Port Sudan a minor disturbance took place.

At London. With grave faces, there arrived at the British Foreign Offices Field Marshal Viscount Allenby,* High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan; Major General Sir L. O. F. Stack, Governor General and Sirdar (Com-mander-in-Chief of the Anglo-Egyptian troops) of the Sudan. For several hours they conversed with Premier MacDonald.

After the conference, it was reported that the British Government, in view of Egypt's pretensions to the Sudan (TIME, Apr. 28, 1923) had taken a serious view of the disturbances, demanded that seditious elements from the Egyptian Army in the Sudan be eliminated to preserve the peace. Warships and troops were sent to the Sudan. Lord Allenby and Sir L. O. F. Stack, who were in England on leave, were reported to have returned, the former to Egypt, the latter to the Sudan.

A little more than a century ago Egypt conquered the Sudan, which the Arabs call Belad-es-Sudan, "country of the blacks." Under purely Egyptian rule, the Sudan became a den of iniquity in which inefficiency, slavery and corruption ran rampant. The population dwindled and the country, instead of providing a source of income for the Egyptian Government, 'became a tremendous financial burden.

In 1881 occurred the rise of the Madhi, "Guide of Islam," whose policy was to evict the Egyptians. Then followed the defeat of the Egyptians, the murder of General Gordon, the campaign under Field Marshal Lord Wolsley and later that by an Anglo-Egyptian force under General Sir H. Kitchener (later Field Marshal Lord Kitchener).

Following the latter campaign, which ended in 1898, an Anglo-Egyptian condominium to rule the Sudan was established. Britain declared at the time, and has never deviated from her contention, that the Sudan, "having been reconquered by joint military and financial efforts of Great Britain and Egypt, claims by right of conquest to share in the legislation and administration of the country." That is why the Sudan is known today as the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

* Field Marshal Lord Allenby stands out as one of the most successful British Commanders of the War. He is 63 years of age a man of large proportions, "every inch a soldier.

Forty-two years ago he joined the Innis-killing Dragoons, saw much service in Africa. At the beginning of the War as a Major General, he commanded the British Third Army. As a General he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force and conducted the Holy Land Campaign. At the conclusion of hostilities he was made a Field Marshal created a peer and awarded -L-50,000 by the British Parliament.

Apropos of the Holy Land Campaign, a story is told about the surrender of Jerusalem. The city first surrendered to a British private who did not understand what it was all about. He reported the event to an officer with the result that a Brigadier motored to Jerusalem and accepted the keys of the city. During his absence, the Divisional Commander was advised of what was going on. Stop the Brigadier," roared the General. I will accept the surrender of Jerusalem. So the keys had to be sent back and the Divisional Commander went to Jerusalem and received them. When he came back he informed the Army Commander that Jerusalem had surrendered to him and he had the keys of the city, "Take 'em back," raved the irate A. U, "I myself will take the surrender. ' Back went the keys and Jerusalem surrendered again. Then the Army Commander telephoned the then Sir Edmund Allenby, Commander-in-Chief, told him all. "Take 'em back, came a stern voice over the wire, "I am the proper person to take the surrender." Thus, a few days later, Jerusalem surrendered for the fifth and last time to the Commander-in-Chief, and the only British Flag that was to be seen was that which flew from the radiator of the General's automobile, so considerate of his enemy's feelings was Allenby.