Monday, Aug. 25, 1924
Encampment No. 58
The Grand Army of the Republic met once more, for the 58th reunion and National encampment in Boston. Some business was attended to: Dr.Louis Arensberg, of Uniontown, Pa., was elected to succeed Gaylord M. Saltzgaber, of Van Wert, Ohio, as National Commander; Grand Rapids, Mich., was chosen as the site of the 59th encampment next year; the legislative committee was instructed to present a 'bill to Congress giving all Civil War veterans $72 a month, the disabled $100, and the totally disabled $155. But the main feature of the encampment for these men, now averaging 82 years of age, was the opportunity of marching together once more.
When the day for the Grand Parade came, rain began to fall. Assembling in the downpour, 1,350 veterans marched the 21 blocks over the scheduled route; 2,500 more followed in automobiles. All of them might have ridden if they had cared to, but most of them preferred to march, rain or no rain.
General Pershing and Governor Cox, of Massachusetts, reviewed the parade of the veterans. While rain fell, continuously, heavily, old men marched, marched.