Monday, Aug. 04, 1924


Referring to the American Owen D. Young, who helped form the Experts' Report under the presidency of the American Charles G. Dawes, the Neue Berliner Zeitung said that in his capacity as agent of reparations he would wield more power than ever did Wilhelm Hohenzollern in the youth of his glory. Under the heading "His Majesty, Owen I," the paper referred to him as "the secret Emperor of Germany."

Ex-Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm was fined 20 golden marks. He prom- ised to attend an initiation meeting of the Millers' Guild, but failed to put in an appearance, so the millers fined him.

For illicitly manufacturing British Pfunden and American Dollaren, a number of Russians were arrested in Berlin. For some time numerous peo- ple have been swindled by this gang.