Monday, Jul. 28, 1924

Laughing Radoslavoff

Avoiding the "mistake" which the Greek Government made in executing the Ministers alleged to be responsible for the Greek defeat at the hands of the Turks, the Bulgarian Parliament (Sobranje) voted amnesty to ex-Premier Vaseil Radoslavoff and his Cabinet who were charged with treason in having brought Bulgaria into the War on the side of the Central Powers.


In the latter part of 1918, the arrest of ex-Premier Radoslavoff and 13 of his Cabinet Ministers was ordered. Radoslavov and one Minister escaped to Berlin, the remaining twelve were arrested and thrown into prison.

In 1920 the trial began, Radoslavoff interested from afar. For one year the trial dragged on, at the end of which the Judges decided that as the Ministers were charged with wronging the people, the people ought to decide on the guilt of the accused. The people found them guilty and they were condemned last year to imprisonment for life with hard labor. Radoslavoff, in Berlin, called it laughable; the unfortunate eleven condemned ex-Ministers (one died in prison, one was still in Berlin) saw nothing funny in the situation.