Monday, Jul. 21, 1924

Marconi as Prophet

Said Guglielmo Marconi to a learned Manhattan audience in 1922: "The radio transmission of the human voice across the Atlantic Ocean is a matter of but a few years." His prediction came true ahead of time. Last week, lecturing before distinguished Romans, the inventor of wireless telegraphy prophesied again. Said he: "High-power stations will soon be abolished. Stations of very low power will supplant them. I have been making discoveries concerning short wavelengths. My engineer and I have patented directional waves like beams of light."

"These short waves, directed in beams, have four advantages over the long waves now in use," said Marconi: "They use up much less power; permit greater speed; are less affected by atmospheric disturbances, thus permitting 24-hour service; permit the establishment of more stations, without interference. So he foresees the scrapping of all high-power stations and a great reduction in price for commercial wireless messages.

Aged 50, Marconi has already had a long career. In 1890 he began his experiments to prove that an electric current can pass through any substance--and that it can follow an undeviating course, in whatever direction it may be started, with no need for a wire or other conductor. In 1897 he won a great triumph--he succeeded in sending a message from Queen Victoria, ashore, to Edward of Wales aboard the royal yacht. Two years later he first came to the U. S., and has visited this country from time to time ever since. The amazing new wireless was used in reporting the 1900 U. S. Presidential elections.

Two obstacles only have slightly deflected Marconi's smooth advance: conjugal difficulties (in 1915 he married the Hon. Beatrice O'Brien who gained a divorce in April, this year), and a commercial scandal in England. In 1912 it was charged that Premier Asquith, Chancellor George and other Cabinet officers had profited improperly through promotion of the Marconi companies. The conclusion of the matter was that blame could not be attached to the inventor and that the Cabinet members had merely been "indiscreet."