Monday, Jul. 14, 1924

Join the League?

At Lyon, where he represented Germany in the League of Nations Societies Conference, Count von Bernstorff, onetime German Ambassador to the U. S. (1908-17), said that Germany was not sentimentally interested in the League, hinted that his country would like to join but feared a rebuff from France or Britain or both.

Said he: "There are four remaining difficulties--two on each side-- between Germany and the other Powers. I see no reason why they cannot be solved in London. France is concerned with a reparations settlement through operation of the Dawes Report and with the disarmament of Germany. The German attitude toward the Dawes Report is favorable, so there is no reason why it should not be applied immediately. The German note on disarmament has been favorably received and marks great progress. The question would now seem to be on the road to solution. A general inspection can be completed within two months.

"Germany has two desires: she wants to see the German territory, occupied beyond the stipulations of the Peace Treaty, returned to German control and complete amnesty for those deported or imprisoned as a result of the Ruhr struggle. Germany feels very strongly on the first point. M. Herriot is rapidly bringing about a solution of the second."