Monday, May. 26, 1924

The Monarchists

Said Hermine, wife of ex-Kaiser "Bill," visiting relatives in Griez (near Leipzig): "My husband has no plans to join me in Germany. He is longing to return to the Fatherland, but thinks there is no chance to do so. I think likewise." Their thoughts were unaccompanied by any outside protest.

The Monarchist meeting at Halle (TIME, May 19) gingered up the whole Monarchist crew. Monarchist "Days" were announced as follows:

At Potsdam, home of the ex-Imperial family, a Monarchist rally was planned for June 14, allegedly under the auspices of the ex-Kaiser who was said to have sent a letter from Doom urging that no expense be spared, offering to cover a deficit, advising that the day be made one of gladness for common soldiers and non-commissioned officers, so that military and monarchistic tradition might be preserved in the classes from which these men come. He also suggested the striking of a special medal to commemorate the day. The Kaiser's letter was sent to all wealthy Monarchists, who immediately donated large sums of money, apparently to obviate the necessity of straining the exiled royal purse.

At Breslau another "Day" had been planned for May 18. A large military parade and an unveiling ceremony were to be the central figures. Republican War Veterans promised counter demonstrations; excitement was expected. The Prussian Government prohibited the meeting.