Monday, May. 05, 1924

Lutheran Stability

The primary result of the World Conference of Lutherans at Eisenach, Germany, last year, was the unification of Lutherans from every country. The second result became apparent last week when a statement of the Eisenach position of theology was published in the U. S. The statement sharply distinguishes between Lutherans and all other Protestant denominations, and denounces every jot and tittle of modernism.

Five religious tendencies today are: a) passing of creeds; b) removal of distinction between natural and supernatural; c) adoption of evolutionary theory; d) a social gospel; e) Christian unity. Each and every one of these tendencies were repudiated, according to Dr. O. M. Norlie's summary of the Eisenach Conference:

"Lutherans regard indifference to creed as a terrible calamity. They sharply distinguish between the natural and supernatural and regard the word of God as inspired by Him, perfect and authoritative in every detail. They hold that the theory of evolution is unphilosophical, unscientific, unbiblical and unworthy of any scholarship. They insist on it that the gospel must first be for the individual before it can be for the group. They maintain that there can be no Christian unity except on the basis of unity of faith. The Lutheran church rejects all the religious tendencies which Dr. Lynch describes as being signs of progress in the reformed churches. The Lutheran church heartily disapproves of all these tendencies and does not want any denomination to come along proselytizing and spreading harmful heresies within the Lutheran household of faith."