Monday, Apr. 21, 1924
French Dean
As a preliminary to the forthcoming International Exhibition at Pittsburgh, Paul Albert Besnard, who is to serve on the jury there, is holding exhibitions of paintings at Knoedler's, and etchings at Keppel's both in Manhattan. Besnard, little known to Americans, is considered by many to be the Dean of French painters. In 1890 he seceded from the Societe National des Beaux-Arts--from the Societe des Artistes Franc,ais; thus he was considered a radical, although he was carefully trained in technique. Besnard is President of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and Director of the Ecole Franc,aise in Rome. He has decorated many important Parisian buildings, notably the Hotel de Ville and the Theatre Franc,aise. His activities cover also portraiture, and life in France and India. Doubtless ,the best of Besnard's work is being saved for the Pittsburgh show, but the present exhibitions are proof of his right to fame. Such canvasses as Sous des Saules (two women robing under willows) and Le Bain Romain show versatility and suppleness.