Monday, Apr. 14, 1924

Old South

A committeeman of Old South Church, Boston, was summering some 40 years ago at Bar Harbor, Me. One day he went over to Northeast Harbor to ask President Eliot to suggest a new minister for his church. President Eliot named a young Scotch preacher at Greenwich, Conn., whom he had recently put through Harvard, saying: "I think he will grow, particularly if he should get the right sort of wife."

Last week, Dr. Eliot and Dr. Lawrence (Bishop of Massachusetts), were the principal speakers at Old South Church, celebrating the 40 years' ministry of Rev. George A. Gordon. Said Dr. Lawrence: "As we hear his ringing voice and listen to his dignity of language, in the description of the sublimity of God and the greatness of the godly life, as his thought carries up into the very heart of the Heavenly Father, we seem to hear as an undertone the voice of Knox on High Street in Edinboro, or of Macleod or Chalmers, softened by the sweet voice of Matheson, while Walter Scott and Robert Burns stand in the background."