Monday, Apr. 14, 1924
The White House Week
The White House Week
P: The President let it be known that he expected to spend the entire Summer in Washington. Business before temperature.
P:On two occasions groups of Senators were invited to breakfast at the White House. The time: 8:00 a. m. The menu: grapefruit, sausages, buckwheat cakes, syrup.
P:President Coolidge appointed Harlan F. Stone to be Attorney-General (see Page 3).
P:Governor J. A. O. Preus of Minnesota, who combatted unsucessfully for a Senatorial place with Magnus Johnson last Summer, called and shook his head lugubriously over the likelihood of a third party's carrying five to eight northwestern states next Fall. P: Mr. Coolidge published the fact that he did not approve of any plan to strike out some taxes and substitute others (i. e., taxes on radio and Mah Jongg sets) as proposed in the Senate Committee.