Monday, Apr. 07, 1924
The recent sale of the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railroad at public auction to Clifford Histed for $3,000,000, recalls the peculiar circumstances under which the line was originally constructed.
Its author was Arthur E. Stilwell, one of the foremost railroad buyers in the U. S. In a dream, what Stilwell described as "brownies" urged him to build the Kansas City Southern, the shortest line from Kansas City to the Gulf of Mexico. No sooner was this task completed than the same "brownies" became insistent that he run another line from Kansas, southwest, into Mexico. Stilwell even consulted Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who declared that "spirits" were directing his work.
Accordingly, the Kansas City, Mexico & Orient was organized in 1901, capitalized at $50,000,000. Its line runs from Wichita, Kan., to Alpine, Tex; then there is a gap of unfinished line to Falomir, whence the road proceeds through Chihuahua to Sanchez; after another gap, it begins again at Fuerte and ends at its Pacific terminal at Topolobampo.
What kind of "brownies" suggested this unhappy venture is uncertain. The road has been beset by one difficulty after another, and has been involved in much litigation. Finally, the road was ordered sold to satisfy a government lien of $2,500,000 with interest, advanced in 1923 to enable the road to continue in operation.
The new owner, Mr. Histed, declares the road will be reorganized, built up and extended. And so far he has not mentioned "brownies."