Monday, Apr. 07, 1924
Hirohito, Prince Regent of Japan, celebrated his marriage to the Princess Nagako (TIME, Feb. 4) by starting a mustache. Court circles politely refer to it as the Regent's mustache, but so far it consists of only a few silky hairs. Their intense blackness makes them almost visible and the imperial barber is eager for the moment when there will be sufficient foundation for an application of wax.
The primary school children of a village in the Yamanashi prefecture, to the number of 300, struck. The Nipponettes alleged that their teachers took the part of the landlords in a recent dispute between the landed proprietors and their farmer tenants.
General elections will take place in Tokyo on May 10. The chief plank of the present Kiyoura Ministry and of the Seiyuhonto (True Friends Party) is that the Premier was appointed by the Prince Regent and that the Nation must observe the will of His Imperial Highness. The Imperial will is contested by three opposing parties: the Seyukai, the Kensei-kai and the Kakushin Club. Their program is : Parliamentary government; protecting the Constitution; prevention of undue control by the Elder Statesmen in the House of Peers.