Monday, Mar. 24, 1924
The British
P: For three hours the Senate debated behind closed doors. Then a vote was taken--61 to 7, in favor of the treaty which will permit British ships to bring liquor into American ports under seal in exchange for which American officers may seize British rum smugglers within an hour's sail of our coast.
P: Sir Broderick Hartwell, Briton, who has been offering his countrymen 20 per cent profit every. 60 days in his project of bringing rum to America, was outdone by a Scotsman, one Nicholson, who offered 25 per cent re-turn for the same period from a similar enterprise. A Liberal in Parliament called this a "blackguardly prostitution of the British flag."
P: Federal agents in Manhattan made a raid on the Orduna of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. (British) and discovered whisky and morphine for smuggling. Result: a libel was filed against the ship by the U. S. District Attorney. The company was obliged to post a $1,000,000 bond before the Orduna could get clearance papers. Seven petty officers of the ship were arrested, and five of them confessed.