Monday, Mar. 17, 1924

At Brighton

The sermon of the week was preached by the Rt. Hon. Ramsay MacDonald to a council of the Free Church, in Brighton, England. It was a great sermon, quietly pleading for simplicity, sincerity, Sunday and Socialism.

"I am amazed," said the Scotsman, "at a great many of my old friends saying that the Scottish Sabbath was a burden. I would like to see a state of society where every man and woman preferred the old Scotch Sabbath to the modern French one, because in that state of society you would have fine, solid, eternal foundations of character and self-command.

"Whether you have a Tory, Liberal or Labor Government, you cannot do much with people who can do nothing but be amused by someone else or something else--people who have not in themselves the capacity to spend time with themselves, spend it profitably. The foundation of those evils is that we are losing the sense of human values; we are going far too much after superficialities, after gold braid, after things hanging from the lapels of coats, after 'right honorables,' which occasionally ring dishonorables.

"We are decorating our personality not with things of the spirit, but with things of the earth. . ."