Monday, Feb. 11, 1924

French Relations

The following letters, which speak for themselves, were exchanged between the British and French Premiers:

Premier Macdonald's letter:

My dear Mr. Premier:

Our two countries have gone through such trying times side by side and made such sacrifices together that, coming into office, I address you a personal note, not only to inform you of the change, but to send you my greetings and good wishes.

I grieve to find so many unsettled points are causing us trouble and concern, and I assure you it will be my daily endeavor to help settle them to our mutual benefit. You have your public opinion and I have mine; you have your national interests to conserve and protect and I have mine. Sometimes at first they may be in conflict, but I am sure by the strenuous action of good-will these conflicts can be settled and policies devised in pursuit of which France and Great Britain can remain in hearty coooperation.

We can be frank without being hostile and can defend our countries' interests without being at enmity. Thus the Entente will be much more than a nominal thing and France and Great Britain can advance together to establish peace and security in Europe.

Pray accept these assurances and my sentiments of personal respect and believe me to be, Your obedient servant, (Signed) RAMSAY MACDONALD.

Premier Poincare's reply:

My dear Mr. Prime Minister:

I am much touched by your kind letter, which you have been good enough to write me to inform me yourself that you have entered on your high functions and to send me your personal good wishes. I hope with all my heart that your efforts for the welfare of your country will be crowned with success.

The bonds which unite it to my own have been knit together, as you recall, in times of common trial and sacrifice. You may be sure that the memory of these times is ever present to my mind as to yours. I also regret that several questions of importance to our two countries have not yet been settled. Like you, I will do my utmost to solve them by friendly agreement and to our mutual advantage.

If we have to take into account public opinion in our respective countries; if we both have to safeguard our national interests, I am confident that, in applying each in his own sphere the vigorous action and good-will of which you speak to the settlement of problems arising between us, we shall solve them in such a manner as to maintain between Great Britain and France a policy of cooperation essential to our two countries and to the tranquility of the world.

My own frankness shall be no less than yours, and if, in defense of French interests, I show the same fervor as you in defense of British interests, you may be sure that nothing will ever change the cordiality of my deep-rooted feelings.

It is impossible that, animated as both are by such sentiments, we should fail to make the Entente effective and fruitful of results which it can and ought to bear in order that Europe as a whole should find once more peace, security and freedom to work.

I beg you to accept my assurances,

(Signed) POINCARE.