Monday, Feb. 04, 1924

Favor Economic Parley

The Chamber of Commerce is usually a good index as to the aims and wishes of most business men in the country. It is therefore significant that the recent convention of the North-Central Section of the National Chamber went on record as favoring an international economic conference.

No doubt Julius H. Barnes, President of the National Chamber, "started the ball rolling" in his address. He struck a responsive chord at once in urging cooeperation with Europe.

The Detroit Chamber, however, brought the question to the fore by producing a voluminous report on the subject, which may briefly be characterized as favoring peace, prosperity and greater mutual understanding. At the conclusion of this document was a resolution, calling upon the International Chamber of Commerce to arrange for "a general international economic conference to deal with the important question involved in the restoration of world-wide prosperity."

This resolution was unanimously passed by representatives from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin.