Monday, Feb. 04, 1924

(Druing the Past Week the Daily Press Gave Extensive Publicity to the Following Men and Women. Let Each Explain to You, Why His Name Appeared in the Headlines.)

Major General Leonard Wood, Governor General of the Philippines: "In giving an account of the marriage of my niece, Miss Frances Field Judson, who has been visiting us in Manila, The New York Herald ignorantly referred to me as Brigadier-General Wood."

Clarence C. Dill, junior U. S. Sen-tor from Washington: "I suggested a possible name for the continent which the Shenandoah is expected to explore on her projected trip to the North Pole. Said I: 'Let us call it Coolidgeland, because it is so cold and silent.' "

Charles S. Chaplin: "In Hollywood, I entered a restaurant with Mary Miles Minter and other friends. At an adjoining table sat a group, among them Mildred Harris, my divorced wife. One of the men di-rected a slighting remark at me, followed the jibe with a punch. I retaliated; the fight became general. Other diners rushed in, separated us. Next day I appeared with a bona fide black eye. Reports said I claimed it to be a publicity stunt, admitted to have been caught off guard." Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim, (See Page 5): "At the Madison Square Garden Poultry Show in Manhattan, there was keen rivalry among exhibi-tors of Pekin ducks. I divided honors with Mrs. Payne Whitney and Roy E. Pardee, who is known as the Pekin Duck King."

Mrs. Peter G. Gerry, wife of the Senator from Rhode Island: "From Prince Felix Yusupov of Russia, I purchased a necklace consisting of 42 black pearls for a price which approximated $400,000. Said The New York Times: 'But who could have failed to remember that several things can be done with $400,000 that would produce higher pleasure, even from the selfish point of view; than can the gratification of the desire so common among savages and barbarians, and the possessors of child minds in general, for the hanging in convenient places about the body and clothing of shiny bits of metal and stone? This joy is innocent enough, in itself, but it is so--well, primitive !' "

John Davison Rockefeller, Jr.: "I was toastmaster at the annual dinner of the men's Bible class of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, Manhattan. To stop rumors that golf caused my absence last year, I explained that neither my father nor professional instructors have entirely succeeded in teaching me the game. Said I: 'If my money holds out I eventually will learn how to play a pretty good game!' " John Philip Sousa, famed bandmaster: "On a recent visit to Los Angeles, I was met by two bands, escorted to the center of the city, where I acted as traffic cop for five minutes. Said reports: 'The hand that manipulates the baton with distinction, wove four strands of traffic into one complex and inextricable knot.' " Thomas A. Edison: "My wife in an interview said that my daily diet consists of spinach, tomatoes, carrots, sardines, milk--the same menu for all three meals." Richard Washburn Child, U. S. Ambassador to Italy: "The Duchess of Sermoneta, whose home in Rome I rented, claimed damages for injuries to furniture, declared that during my occupancy a valuable 16th Century marble bust was broken, an antique table ruined by hot plates. Des-patches said that I refused to pay, explaining that workmen broke the bust during my absence." Pope Pius XI: "I received 80 sailors from the U. S. S. Pittsburgh. Each sailor knelt, kissed the papal ring. I then bestowed my benedic-tion." Gifford Pinchot, Governor of Pennsylvania: "State Treasurer Charles A. Snyder declared to reporters that he would oppose me as delegate-at-large to the Republican National Convention. His reasons were that I am 'not a Pennsylvanian in spirit, not a Republican,' that I would 'make Pennsylvania the ridicule of its sister States,' that I have been 'unfaithful to every political trust.' "

Wilhelm Hohenzollern: "One Zed-litz-Treutzchler who wrote 'Twelve Years of Life at the Kaiser's Court was ostracized by his family and social set for violating tradition, whereupon he exclaimed: 'But you, my friends who now bar me from society, beware! The weapon you are using against me is most unethical. It may cause many in the future to be silent instead of telling the truth. Not everyone is ready, as I am, to live and die alone.'"