Monday, Jan. 21, 1924
THE POTTERS--Rubbing salt into the bourgeois mind wounded by Sinclair Lewis.
CYRANO DE BERGERA--Walter Hampden distinguishing both himself and Rostand in a revival of the latter's modern classic.
THE SWAN--Like seeing Royalty in an underwear advertisement. Not only do you see them wear but also talk and think much the same things that you do.
THE NERVOUS WRECK--A most diverting rumpus incident to the invasion by an Eastern hypochondriac of the open spaces of the West.
MEET THE WIFE--How one man rid himself of an irresistibly voluble wife and returned unknowingly from the shallow grave of his deception.
THE SONG AND DANCE MAN--George M. Cohan in a singularly good interpretation of George M. Cohan.