Monday, Jan. 21, 1924

Final Plans

The final tests of the six world-cruisers (TIME, Dec. 3) will begin early in March, and on April 2 the expedition will start from San Diego for Seattle, the first leg of the trip. From Seattle they will commence their 39,000-mile journey over the territories of 22 foreign countries. The route is divided into six main divisions: from Seattle to the tip of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, in charge of Lieut. Clayton L. Bisnell; from Attu Island to Kamchatka, in charge of Lieut. Clifford C. Nutt; from Nagasaki, Japan, to Calcutta, in charge of Lieut. M. S. Lawson. The route from Calcutta to Constantinople will be prepared by Lieut. H. A. Halgorsen, now in the Philippines. The route from Constantinople to London will be charted by Major Carlisle Walsh. From Copenhagen, operating with the full assistance of the Danish Government, Lieut. Clarence Crumrine will be responsible for the trip home via Iceland and Greenland.

The Army Air Service officers will be in friendly rivalry with the British Royal Air Force, three of whose officers will set out from London in a few weeks to try to make a world circuit in ten days' flying.